Tuesday, 13 August 2019 12:48

IPC Projects

2013 year

“Judicial mediation” by order of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

“School mediation” by order of PF “Bota” in partnership with the ALE “Forum of NGOs of Astana”;

“Clarification of mediation institution among the rural population of the Mangistau region” - under the state social order of the Akimat of the Mangistau region in partnership with the Mangistau society for the protection of consumer rights;

“Development of Interaction and Support in the Mangistau Region” - commissioned by USAID in partnership with the Civil Alliance of the Mangystau Region.

"National training course organization for mediators in the regions of Kazakhstan" by order of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  

2014 year

"Development and support of the information and educational center of mediation " by order of the Akimat of the Mangystau region in conjunction with the Mangystau consumer rights protection society;

"Implementation of measures for the labor conflicts warning and prevention" in the framework of the state social order of the Internal Policy Department of the Akimat of Almaty city, together with the "Public Project" institution;

“Mediation basics for non-professional mediators of the Kyzylorda region” by order of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan in conjunction with the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region.

2015 year

“Project implementation to increase the level of legal culture among the population and support the activities of the information and educational center of mediation of the Mangystau Region” by state orders of the Akimat of the Mangystau Region in partnership with the Mangistau Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;

“Complex measures implementation aimed on increasing the level of legal responsibility of the population" by order of the Internal Policy Department of the Akimat of Almaty city.

2016 year

“Implementation of mediation institution for social issues resolving and maintaining stability and harmony in society” by order of the NAO Center for the Support of Civil Initiatives and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2017 year

“Enbek Sakshysy” for social and labor disputes prevention and minimization, improving the legal literacy of the population on issues of labor law, legislation in the field of retirement, social welfare and employment. The project was implemented by state order of the Internal Policy Department of Almaty city.

“Mediation in labor relations” in partnership with the public organization “Zaman zhargysy” by state order of the Internal Policy Department of Zhezkazgan city.

“Eulemet” in partnership with public foundation “Kazaklyktyn atamekeny” and public organization “Akikat Nyry”.




"Еңбек сақшысы" или медиативный подход по трудовым конфликтам 

Применение института медиации для разрешения социальных вопросов и сохранения стабильности и согласия в обществе

Повышение правовой грамотности населения

Оказание юридической помощи

Медиация мүмкіндіктері

О проекте «Судебная медиация»

Школьная медиация

Обучающий курс медиаторов

Взаимодействие и развитие диалога в Мангистауской области

Проект «Проведение мероприятий по предупреждению и профилактике трудовых конфликтов»